
  • 2021 State Testing 9/16/2021

    Our TN State hemp testing agent came out Thursday. Our testers name is Gary. I enjoyed talking with him a bit about hemp and about life. He took his official sample and headed to the local post office to get the samples to the lab. Thanks Gary!

  • 2021 State Inspection 9/17/2021

    The state inspector came out to our hemp grow this morning. Pam gave us lots of information about the state program and changes that are coming for 2022. She encouraged us to work with our local FSA office which I knew nothing about. I will contact them and find out what they are all about!Continue…

  • Hi!

    People often ask us if we are horse people and I usually say “not really” but I realize that I am wrong. Yes, we are horse people and have been for a while now. Its quite a story as to how we got to be horse people but that’s a story for another time. WeContinue…